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The Narcissists' Code 455- Do Narcissists ever regret what they do to you? What they put you through
Do Narcissists every regret losing you or do they feel guilt for how things ended?
narcissists will blame you for what they do to you
narcissist project the things that they do onto you
narcissists will blame you for the things they do to you. #narcissism #narcissistic
The Narcissists' Code 456- How a self aware narcissist ended up in therapy & eventually accepted it
The Narcissists' Code 454 - Most narcissists are chasing happiness but it will always escape them
Narcissists will hold grudges and treat people badly that make them wait or reject them
TNC277- The biggest regret of a self aware narcissist. all my kids get different versions of myself
The #Narcissists' Code 89: Do #narcissists have feelings? What's it's like to experience emotions
The Narcissists' Code 486- Narcissists dont experience guilt & remorse like non-narcissistic people
you dont need a confession from a narcissist #narcissism #npdawareness